Stopping Smoking Testimonials

“I suspect you get little feedback on your sessions so I just wanted to let you know that since I came to see you in November 2003 I haven’t even thought about cigarettes, let alone been tempted. I am absolutely thrilled with the result and really cannot understand why everybody doesn’t try this method”
“Dear Robert, thanks for help with the Stop Smoking session that we did together. I don’t remember all of what you said, but whatever you said did the trick! I was at a rugby function a few months after our session and this is where I would have normally been at my most venerable for a cigarette. I can tell you that I didn’t even get tempted, and now just the smell of them puts me off!”
“I’ve gone from smoking 25 cigarettes a day to none without any withdrawal symptoms and feel fantastic. Thanks Rob you made the session fun and easy to understand and in the long run saved me a lot of money, one of the best investments I have made for a long time”
“I had been smoking for over 40 years before I met Robert for our stop smoking session. He made it easy for me to understand why I struggled to stop smoking before. Rob helped me to change the way I looked at my old habit of smoking and so develop a new positive approach to being a non-smoker. The funny thing is now i don’t even think about smoking anymore. I just wish I had done the session years ago it would have saved me a lot of money!”
“Hi Rob it has been over a year now since our stop smoking session and I still feel the same about smoking. I don’t want one! Thanks for helping me change my life I feel so much fitter and healthier now and have even taken up going to the gym! Thanks again Rob.”
“At first I was some what sceptical about hypnotherapy….but would like to say that having now gone through the process I would highly recommend this root for anyone wanting to give up smoking”

Contact Rob Clarke Today